Friday, June 15, 2007

Final Day / Graduation Day

So today is our final day at the factory and we are holding a graduation ceremony in class for all our students. Instead of teaching a lesson we are having them put on presentations in English about a topic our their choice. The beginner level students have chosen some of their favourite English songs like "Take me to your heart" and "Tears in Heaven." The advanced level students are putting on skits based on a topic of their choice such as Chinese New Year and a famous Chinese WW2 story.

We have basically spent the whole day running around thanking people and distributing personal gifts we've prepared for each worker...everyone from the cleaning staff to the General Manager! We really are SO GRATEFUL to everyone for the incredible hospitality that has been extended to us throughout this entire trip. We literally never go an hour without being visited or checked up on by someone. And we've been taken out countless time by various staff for meals after class.

As great as class has been going, I think I speak for all of us when I say that it's the times outside class that have been most rewarding. Our 1.5 hour daily class has proven to simply be the means to spearheading relationship with each of the workers. However, the rest of the time each of us has been building amazing relationships primarily during meal times and after class when we just hang out with them. We really have not been getting much sleep since every morning from staying up late with the workers and praying/debriefing afterward and then waking up early for 7am prayer meeting lead by the local evangelists here. But God is faithful and each day he has provided us with enough strength and energy (and random nap times) to generate our lessons plans and practice our skits.

As mentioned in previous post already, God's faithfulness has been shown time and time again ... but it was not until this week that we really began seeing evidence of how God has impacted the workers here through our work. On Wednesday night, we asked the students what they are thankful and many of the advanced students shared openly that they were in fact thankful for us being here. They told us that even though we have only been here for a couple weeks, it has been the happiest time for them since they signed on at this factory. One member even told us how thankful he was for English class because it allowed him to express himself for the first time. And more incredible was that they all communicated this in English!

On Thursday we were suppose to hold our basketball tournament but unfornately it rained again for the 9th straight day. Since we've been here, we've only seen 2 days without rain, our first day and last day here. One of the workers told me that they've never seen it rain this much before. But this streak of rainy days has proved to be an incredible blessing as it has made what would otherwise be unbearably hot/humid days into relatively comfortable conditions. And this phenomenon calls for even greater praise and thankgiving as the cool weather has prevented Emily asthma from acting up.

And even though our basketball tournament was foiled by the rain, God had something else in store for that night. After class we had a couple our students approach us about what it means to be a Christian. And after a 2 hour conversation involving all 6 of our group members, the local evangelist, a recently saved worker and plenty of on the spot translation ... one of the workers asked us how he could become Christian. So we're praying that the local evangelist will be able to follow-up. Micky and I have also had opportunity to have deeper conversation about our faith with our roommate and last night we were able to witness to him as well.

Anyways, it is dinner time and I have to go change for our closing ceremonies. Esther and Emily are sharing their testimonies tonight so please pray that their personal stories will really move our friends in the audience tonight. Oh man, so much more to share but I think this is long enough. Save it for another post.

Quick prayer requests
1. Esther and Emily sharing their testimony tonight
2. Smooth journey to HK and then Taiwan. We'll be leaving right after class for HK (1 hour drive to the train station and 1 hour train ride to HK). Probably won't arrive in HK until after midnight. Then early flight to Taiwan next morning.
3. Smooth transition into Taiwanese Orphanage. We're expected to lead Sunday Service the next day.
4. Continued protection of all our health as we move into a new place with new conditions. Specifically continued protection for Emily for her allergies and asthma!


Johnny said...


Annie said...

Hi Melody, I stumbled across your blog the other day when I was searching for info about Christian Mountain Children's Home because I'll be there this summer from June 21-July 6. I just got an e-mail from David Liu and he mentioned that a Canadian named Melody was there this summer and I thought, "isn't that the name of the girl whose blog I read..." It sounds like I'll be meeting you as well! It's a small world.

bboyreal said...

peace and be safe friends!

Steph said...

praying for you guys and miss you!!!